unc << bk1 << lfl << pen << bk2 << sol
Breakpoint(s) molecularly mapped
Viable with Df(1)17-228 and Df(1)17-369.
Df(1)16-129/Df(1)GA104 animals (in which fliI function is rescued by fliIFLI) are viable. Females of this genotype produce a ventralised eggshell phenotype, which has 35% penetrance at 25oC and ranges in expressivity from fused dorsal appendages to no appendages at all. At 30oC, the penetrance is 99% and at 18oC the penetrance is 3%. Embryos produced from Df(1)16-129/Df(1)GA104 females (in which fliI function is rescued by fliIFLI) mated to wild-type males show cuticle patterning defects; expanded and fused ventral denticles.
fliIFLI Df(1)16-129/fliIFLI Df(1)2/19B individuals are 100% viable and 98% of survivors can fly normally. fliIFLI Df(1)16-129/fliIFLI Df(1)GA104 individuals are 76% viable and 93% of survivors can fly normally. fliIFLI Df(1)16-129/fliIFLI Df(1)17-257 individuals are 79% viable and 94% of survivors can fly normally.
Lethal in combination with Df(1)GA104, Df(1)17-257, Df(1)2/19B or Df(1)GE263.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0055616) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of dod (FBrf0085507) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)