l(1)19Cc << bk1 << mal << bk2 hits shakB
Df(1)16-3-35 proximal breakpoint maps approximately 7kb 5' to exon A of shakB transcript S2.2.
Breakpoint(s) molecularly mapped Df(1)16-3-35 breaks within an intron of the shakB locus.
Inferred to overlap with: Df(1)16-1-88.
Df(1)16-3-35/Df(1)A118 viable
Heterozygotes for Df(1)16-3-35 and FM6 show reduction in the anterior-posterior extent of the medial branch of the tergotrochantral muscle motorneurone similar to that seen in shakB3/FM6.
Display lethal phenotype when in combination with Df(1)N71.
Heterozygotes have an extreme shakB mutant phenotype: full set of neuronal defects.
Molecular analysis shows the proximal breakpoint is in shakB near the 5' end.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0054538) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0040956) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0054538)