FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Aberration: Dmel\Df(1)N-54l9
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Deficiency (1) Notch
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Also Known As
N54l9, N5419, Df(1)N54l9, N54/9, Notch54l9, Df(1)N5419, Df(1)N-5419, Notch5419
Computed Breakpoints include
Sequence coordinates
X:3,240,926..3,242,094 [-] (Df(1)N-54l9:bk2)
Member of large scale dataset(s)
Nature of Aberration
Cytological Order
Class of aberration (relative to wild type)
Causes alleles
Carries alleles
Transposon Insertions
Formalized genetic data

rst << bk1 << vt << ng2 << bk2 << ng1

Genetic mapping information

Lacks Sgs-4 sequences (McGinnis et al., 1980).

Comments on Cytology

Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0023492) Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of vt (FBrf0023492) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of ng2 (FBrf0058951) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0063630)

Sequence Crossreferences
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Gene Deletion and Duplication Data
Genes Deleted / Disrupted
Genes NOT Deleted / Disrupted
Complementation Data
Molecular Data
Genes Duplicated
Complementation Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Molecular Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Genes NOT Duplicated
Complementation Data
Molecular Data
Affected Genes Inferred by Location (0)
    If no genes are listed here, it may be because the affected region is very large. The JBrowse insert above may show an error for the same reason, and other FlyBase tools such as CytoSearch may also fail for large regions. You can contact FlyBase for more help.
    In these cases, there will be no "Export to Hitlist" button to the left.
    Phenotypic Data
    In combination with other aberrations

    Lethal in male double hemizygous combination with Df(1)w67c3.

    Viable in combination with Df(1)w67k30, producing flies which have a strong vt phenotype, but are not rough eyed.

    Df(1)N-54l9/Df(1)w67k30 viable Df(1)N-54l9/Df(1)w67k30 vt phenotype

    NOT in combination with other aberrations

    The wing notching phenotype of Df(1)N-54l9/+ heterozygotes is is largely suppressed if they are also heterozygous for any of the following: HattP, HΔM2, HΔM1-2 or HCfs but is not significantly altered by heterozygosity of Hcwt, HΔM1 or HΔM3.

    Flies heterozygous for Df(1)N-54l9 have a low penetrance wing notching phenotype.

    Df(1)N-54l9 mutant germline stem cells (GSCs) do not undergo the natural turnover seen in wild type: at three weeks after clone induction more Df(1)N-54l9 mutant GSCs are still present in the female niche in comparison with wild type controls.

    Heterozygotes show a wing notching phenotype.

    Df(1)N-54l9 embryos display hypertrophy of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

    Df(1)N-54l9/+ wings have a notched phenotype.

    Df(1)N-54l9/+ females display a relatively weak notch-wing phenotype, characterised by wing vein thickening (preferentially L3 and L5) and by delta formation at the contact between wing veins and the wing edge. One or more notches is present in 75% of Df(1)N-54l9/+ wings.

    55% of Df(1)N-54l9/+ flies have a notched wing phenotype.

    The number of cap cells and germline stem cells in the ovaries of 2 day old heterozygous females is significantly reduced compared to wild type.

    Df(1)N-54l9 heterozygotes exhibit notches at the wing margin.

    Df(1)N-54l9 Mer4; exe1 triple transheterozygous mutants suppress the Df(1)N-54l9 heterozygous wing notch phenotype.

    Clones of Df(1)N-54l9 mutant cells in the eye disc show a cell-autonomous block of mitosis and DNA synthesis in the position of the second mitotic wave (SMW). However, a small number of mutant cells do incorporate BrdU (a marker of S phase) in the most posterior regions of clones, significantly behind the SMW. Cell proliferation ahead of the morphogenetic furrow is not detectably impaired in Df(1)N-54l9 mutant cells.

    Df(1)N-54l9 third instar nota clones exhibit at least eight sensory organ precursors (SOPs) in approximately 44.5% of SOP positions scored. Approximately 26% of SOP positions display between four and eight ectopic SOPs, while approximately 26% exhibit between one and four SOPs, with only 3.5% exhibiting one SOP, as in wild-type. Df(1)N-54l9 third instar nota clones exhibit a partially penetrant growth defect.

    Large Df(1)N-54l9 mutant clones in the eye disc (generated in a Minute/+ background) have very few or no neurons. Small clones (generated in a wild-type background) have extra neuronal cells. Basally located nuclei are found along the posterior margin of small clones.

    Neuronal development is impaired in when Df(1)N-54l9 is expressed in clones within the eye-antennal disc.

    Visceral mesoderm is reduced in mutant embryos.

    Non-muscle defects are seen in mutants.

    Heterozygous Df(1)N-54l9 flies exhibit a weakly-penetrant wing nicking phenotype.

    Notches at the distal wing margin.

    No R8 cells or photoreceptor neurons develop in a N clone on the eye-disc.

    Notching of the distal wing margin can be suppressed by osa308.

    Abnormal epidermal and muscle development. Presence of Scer\GAL4twi.PBa can normalise some but no all aspects of myogenesis in Df(1)N-54l9 mutants.

    No effect on the faf eye phenotype.

    Suppression of the lethal SerBd-3 Ser+r83k combination, escapers exhibit phenotypically normal eyes and legs but lack halteres and had wing blades one half normal size.

    Dominant enhancer of the scaMSKF mutant phenotype.

    A few flies of the genotype Df(1)N-54l9,dxENU/+,dxENU;Su(dx)1/+ escape the lethality of their dead Df(1)N-54l9,dxENU/+,dxENU siblings. However they have the same, small, rough eye defect as their dead siblings.

    Heterozygotes show lethal interaction with gain of function Su(H) alleles.

    The wing-notching phenotype of Df(1)N-54l9 heterozygotes is more severe in flies which also carry one or two copies of EgfrE3 or EgfrE1.

    cosP{479BE} construct rescues the embryonic lethality and therefore the neurogenic phenotype of homozygotes and the dominant wing notching phenotype of heterozygous females.

    Puff formation at 3C11 during intermoult period.

    Homozygous males are lethal.

    Weak Notch. Deltas of long veins reliable in classification when wing tips not notched.

    Stocks (1)
    Notes on Origin

    Mohler, 9th Dec. 1954.

    Balancer / Genotype Variants of the Aberration
    Separable Components
    Other Comments
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (12)
    Reported As
    Symbol Synonym
    Name Synonyms
    Deficiency (1) Notch
    Secondary FlyBase IDs
    • FBal0038924
    • FBab0023986
    References (88)