wupA << bk1 << l(1)17Aa << l(1)17Ab << bk2 << CrebB-17A
Ab(1)oss/Df(1)os1A2 mutant flies have small eyes compared to wild type. No wing defects are seen.
Df(1)os1/Df(1)os1A2 mutant flies have outstretched wings and small eyes compared to wild type.
The pupal lethality of Df(2R)P3C homozygotes is partially suppressed by Df(1)os1A2/+.
The embryonic hindgut of Df(1)os1A2 homozygotes has no obvious morphological defects at stage 12, but has a lower angle of curvature at stage 15, associated with an increased cell height ratio between cells on the inside and outside of the curvature, as compared to controls.
The tracheal tree does not form in Df(1)os1A2 embryos.
Tracheal pits fail to form in Df(1)os1A2 mutant embryos.
Df(1)os1A2 mutants exhibit abnormal spiracles due to a lack of cell elongation.
Df(1)os1A2 embryos show segmentation defects, with all segments affected. The posterior spiracles and trachea are missing from these embryos and the mandible is abnormal.
The proliferation of germ cells in male Df(1)os1A2 embryos is reduced compared to controls.
The hindgut is only about half the normal length and is somewhat wider than normal in homozygous embryos. There are a greater number of cells in the circumference of the mutant hindgut than in wild type. The total number of hindgut epithelial cells is 96% of wild type. The hindgut visceral mesoderm appears normal in mutant embryos.
In Df(1)os1A2 homozygous embryos, the evagination and folding steps of proventriculus morphogenesis occur, but the involution and insertion steps do not.
Homozygous clones within the eye field show no phenotype either in imaginal discs or in the adult eye. Clones adjacent to the optic stalk produce almost complete dorsalisation of the eye field as assayed by ommatidial polarity.
Df(1)os1A2 embryos show loss of the fifth abdominal denticle band and the posterior mid-ventral portion of the fourth band. Variable reduction of the second thoracic and eighth abdominal denticle bands and variable fusion of the sixth and seventh denticle bands is seen.
It has been determined using in situ and PCR that Df(1)os1A2 deletes os, upd2, upd3.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0051942) Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of os (FBrf0056238) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of l(1)17Ab (FBrf0051942) Right limit of break 2 from non-inclusion of CrebB-17A (citation unavailable)