capu << bk1 << ed << dp << bk2 << slf
This deletion removes multiple ribosomal protein-coding genes (in addition to other genes).
Df(2L)ed-dp/Df(2L)M24F11 transheterozygotes exhibit delayed ventral furrow invagination, mesoderm spreading defects and a malformed germ band.
Suppressor of In(1)wm4h position-effect variegation.
Heterozygotes with Df(2L)M24F-B, Df(2L)ed1, Df(2L)ed2 or Df(2L)tkv3 are lethal and with Df(2L)tkv2 are viable.
Suppresses position-effect variegation in In(1)wm4h
Flies heterozygous for the deletion show a Minute bristle phenotype.
Dominantly causes tergite defects in less than 50% of run3 heterozygotes.
Reduced viability and fertility.
M phenotype.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0039034) Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of ed (FBrf0039034) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of dp (FBrf0039034) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0082073)