bk1 << pr << bk2
Embryos derived from lok null mothers (Df(2L)pr2b/Df(2L)be408 females carrying P{CG10728+tMa} to rescue vls function and P{barr+tMa} to rescue barr function) have an average of 24.5 pole cells/embryo compared to the wild-type number of 37.3 pole cells/embryo. The progeny of the lok null flies are viable and fertile, they show no increase in the rate of X chromosome nondisjunction compared to controls and females show no defects in meiotic recombination frequency. lok null larvae are not more sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate or hydroxyurea than control larvae. Irradiation does not result in a delay of entry into mitosis in lok null embryos, in contrast to wild-type embryos.
Viable and fertile in combination with Df(2L)TW50. Viable and fertile in combination with Df(2L)Sd37. Semilethal and female sterile in combination with Df(2L)DS5. Semilethal and female sterile in combination with Df(2L)DS9.
Dominant suppressor of In(1)wm4h position-effect variegation.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0050576) Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of pr (citation unavailable) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0050576)