FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Aberration: Dmel\Df(2R)bw-S46
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Also Known As
Df(2R)bwS46, Df(2R)bwS46, Df(2R)S246
Computed Breakpoints include
Sequence coordinates
Member of large scale dataset(s)
Nature of Aberration
Cytological Order
Class of aberration (relative to wild type)
Causes alleles
Carries alleles
Transposon Insertions
Formalized genetic data

twi << bk1 << tak << eql << bk2 << Phm

Genetic mapping information
Comments on Cytology

Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0055047) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0055047) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of or (FBrf0064297) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0055047)

Sequence Crossreferences
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Gene Deletion and Duplication Data
Genes Deleted / Disrupted
Complementation Data
Completely deleted / disrupted
Partially deleted / disrupted
Molecular Data
Partially deleted
Genes NOT Deleted / Disrupted
Genes Duplicated
Complementation Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Molecular Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Genes NOT Duplicated
Complementation Data
Molecular Data
Affected Genes Inferred by Location (0)
    If no genes are listed here, it may be because the affected region is very large. The JBrowse insert above may show an error for the same reason, and other FlyBase tools such as CytoSearch may also fail for large regions. You can contact FlyBase for more help.
    In these cases, there will be no "Export to Hitlist" button to the left.
    Phenotypic Data
    In combination with other aberrations

    Inferred to overlap with: Df(2R)WI213.

    NOT in combination with other aberrations

    Shows no maternal enhancement of dpphr4.

    Dominantly causes tergite defects in less than 50% of run3 heterozygotes.

    Mitotic clones cannot be generated.

    Heterozygosity for this deletion has no effect on the mutant ovarian phenotype of ovoD2.

    Stocks (1)
    Notes on Origin

    P. Simpson.

    Balancer / Genotype Variants of the Aberration
    Separable Components
    Other Comments

    The Df(2R)bw-S46 chromosome may act as a dominant suppressor of telomeric silencing (assayed using the effect of the chromosome on the eye colour phenotype of flies carrying "P{wvar}KR3-2", a stable "brown-red" variant of the P{3'WP-2,wvar}2Lt insertion), but the eye colour phenotype in the presence of Df(2R)bw-S46 overlaps the eye colour phenotype in a wild-type background so it cannot be unequivocally demonstrated that the deficiency chromosome uncovers a suppressor of telomeric silencing.

    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (10)
    References (58)