bk1 << st << bk2 << tra
+80 kb (prox.) The zero coordinate used in locating the molecular lesions is the 73A3-4 breakpoint of In(3LR)sta27, '+' values to the right, '-' values to the left (McKeown, Belote, and Baker, 1987, Cell 48: 489-99). The distal and proximal molecular breaks of the deficiencies made by Butler et al, 1986, were estimated using this zero coordinate. (BamHI site, midway between Df(3L)st-E5 and Df(3L)st-E52, was the original zero coordinate of Butler et al.) +2 to 0. DNA coordinates (kb) of proximal breakpoints in the walk in region 73A-B of McKeown and Belote, which originates at the left breakpoint of In(3LR)sta27 ('+' values to right, '-' values to left). Df(3L)st-E coordinates from Butler et al., 1986; coordinate 0 halfway between right breakpoints of Df(3L)st-E5 and Df(3L)st-E52; positive values to the left
homozygous lethal
Breakpoint molecularly mapped.
Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of st (FBrf0044249) Left limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0044249) Right limit of break 2 from non-inclusion of tra (FBrf0042175)