bk1 << Tl << Ets97D << bk2 << spz
Inferred to overlap with: Df(3R)ME61.
Df(3R)Tl-X/Df(3R)ro80b animals fail to hatch, but have no obvious morphological abnormalities in the gut, nervous system or musculature. The unhatched larvae do not perform normal hatching behaviour; the frequency of head swinging is reduced by 97% compared to wild type and reiterated cycles of head swinging are almost never seen, in contrast to wild type. On mechanical removal from the eggshell at 36 hours after egg laying, the larvae appear normal in morphology and respond to a touch on the side by twitching their bodies and retracting their heads, as is seen for wild-type larvae, although some mutant larvae are slower to respond.
Peter Lewis.
Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0059080)