ac << bk1 << bb << bk2
Krivshenko and Cooper, 1953.
deletion of most of X euchromatin
Length at mitotic metaphase (relative to length of 4th chromosome): 0.5 Frequency (%) of Dp/Y segregation among female progeny: 46.7 +- 2.09 (not significantly different from 50%) Frequency (%) of exceptional (XXY) females among the progeny: 3.5
Satellite DNA carried on the chromosome is not involved in the hybrid lethality from the cross between D.melanogaster males and females of its sibling species.
Hybrids from the cross D.melanogaster C(1;Y)10/Dp(1;f)1162 males and D.sechellia females are viable.
Left limit of break 1 from non-inclusion of ac (citation unavailable) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of bb (citation unavailable) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)