ac << bk1 << bb << bk2
Causes higher level of XX from Y segregation than Dp(1;f)1144, Dp(1;f)1162, Dp(1;f)1187 or Dp(1;f)856.
Krivshenko and Cooper, 1953.
deletion of most of X euchromatin
Length at mitotic metaphase (relative to length of 4th chromosome): 1.6 Frequency (%) of Dp/Y segregation among female progeny: 33.8 +- 1.65 (significant at 0.1% level of risk) Frequency (%) of exceptional (XXY) females among the progeny: 11.4
Hybrids from the cross D.melanogaster C(1;Y)10/Dp(1;f)1186 males and D.sechellia females are non-viable.
Left limit of break 1 from non-inclusion of ac (citation unavailable) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of bb (citation unavailable) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable)