bk1 hits Antp << bk2 << bk3
The 5' end of this breakpoint corresponds to 3R:10742047 and the 3' end corresponds to 3R:10742076 (release 6 coordinates), meaning that 28bp of genomic sequence is deleted at this breakpoint.
The 5' end of this breakpoint corresponds to 3R:7048580 and the 3' end corresponds to 3R:7048586 (release 6 coordinates), meaning that 5bp of genomic sequence is deleted at this breakpoint.
The 5' end of this breakpoint corresponds to 3R:8287181 and the 3' end corresponds to 3R:8287183 (release 6 coordinates), meaning that 1bp of genomic sequence is deleted at this breakpoint.
Breakpoint(s) molecularly mapped
Left-most (proximal) breakpoint is the point of initiation (coordinate 0) of the walk of Garber et al., 1983 ('+' values to the left, '-' values to the right) which is about 255 kilobases distal to the 0 coordinate of Scott et al., 1983 ('+' values to the right, '-' values to the left).
Homozygotes survive (but at low frequency) until third instar (Hazelrigg and Kaufman, 1983).
Ruch, 1931.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0034841) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0039462) Left limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0027527) Right limit of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0054129) Limits of break 3 from polytene analysis (FBrf0054155)