bk2 hits l(3)87Df
Breakpoint(s) molecularly mapped
Right breakpoint at about 175 kb to the left of the origin of walk in the ry region; this origin is an arbitrary point which is in turn 6.5 kb to the right of the left breakpoint of In(3R)Cbxrv1.
The position effect variegation of ry seen in In(3R)ryps11136 is suppressed in combination with Df(3R)l26c or Df(3R)l26d.
No suppression of the ry position effect variegation phenotype is seen with either Df(2L)TW84 or 0.2M butyrate.
Shows position-effect variegation for ry with respect to xanthine dehydrogenase activity in Malpighian tubules.
homozygous lethal lethal when heterozygous with certain ry deficiencies. Purine sensitive when heterozygous with noncomplementing ry alleles.
Induced on a ry+11 chromosome.
Analysis of the ry variegating phenotype associated with In(3R)ryps11136 suggests that position effect variegation may be due to a defect in transcription and is not due to underreplication of the position-affected gene (ry in this case).
Breakpoint molecularly mapped.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (citation unavailable) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0040960) Limits of break 2 from complementation mapping against l(3)87Df (FBrf0040960)