l(2)49Dc << bk1 << Mdr49 << Su(z)3 << bk2 << l(2)49Fb
Breakpoints were reported in Dm3 (R5) coordinates.
Df(2R)Su(z)2-1.b8 has no effect on the frequency of X-Y chromosome nondisjunction seen in Df(1)X-1-53B males, but acts as a meiotic drive suppressor, suppressing drive against the X and Y chromosomes in these flies. Suppresses meiotic drive of the Y chromosome in Df(1)X-1 males compared to controls.
Df(2R)Arp1.Fbf1a/Df(2R)Su(z)2-1.b8 embryos have stiff pigmented hairs resembling Fell hairs between the ventral setal belts of the abdominal and thoracic segments.
Homozygous neuroblast clones in the third larval instar central nervous system appear morphologically normal and have a normal mitotic index.
Somatic mitotic clones of Df(2R)Su(z)2-1.b8 do not induce ovarian defects.
Homozygous clones in the wing disc are large in size and rounded in shape and the imaginal disc cells are larger than wild type.
Shows no dominant effect on telomeric Position Effect Variegation (PEV) in stocks carrying a variegating w+mW.hs allele at the telomeres of the second and third chromosomes.
Cuticle of zygotic- mutants resemble those of Psc maternal- zygotic- mutants, with defects in head involution, holes in the dorsal epidermis and laterally narrow denticle bands. One wild type paternal copy rescues the maternal- zygotic- embryos.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0082794) Right limit of break 1 from inclusion of Mdr49 (FBrf0082794) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0082794)