bk1 << l(3)62Bc << l(3)62Da << bk2
The 3L:1668654..1795328 release 6 coordinates of the left breakpoint are estimates. The left extent corresponds to the right end of RpL23A, because Df(3L)Aprt-1 heterozygotes to not show the Minute phenotypes associated with deletion of this haploinsufficient gene. The right extent corresponds to the right ends of dlt and alpha-Spec, which published results say are deleted.
The 3L:2554847..2587456 release 6 coordinates of the right breakpoint are estimates. The left extent corresponds to the left end of msn, which published results say is deleted. The right extent corresponds to the left end of RpL8, because Df(3L)Aprt-1 heterozygotes do not show the Minute phenotypes associated with deletion of this haploinsufficient gene.
This deletion removes multiple ribosomal protein-coding genes (in addition to other genes).
Lethal in combination with Df(3L)BSC116. Inferred to overlap with: Df(3L)BSC116.
The salivary gland distal tip does not initiate turning and migration in embryos homozygous for Df(3L)Aprt-32 by stage 14.
Flies heterozygous for the deletion do not show a Minute bristle phenotype.
"62B1--2;62E3" was stated as revision.
Left limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0098597) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0076966) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0098597)