babo << bk1 << l(2)44Fe << wun << bk2
Breakpoint 1 was mapped to an EcoRI-XbaI restriction fragment. The position of the restriction fragment on the reference sequence was inferred by a FlyBase curator.
The Df(2R)Np5 chromosome may act as a dominant suppressor of telomeric silencing (assayed using the effect of the chromosome on the eye colour phenotype of flies carrying "P{wvar}KR3-2", a stable "brown-red" variant of the P{3'WP-2,wvar}2Lt insertion), but the eye colour phenotype in the presence of Df(2R)Np5 overlaps the eye colour phenotype in a wild-type background so it cannot be unequivocally demonstrated that the deficiency chromosome uncovers a suppressor of telomeric silencing. In addition, any suppression is a false positive result (the suppressor is not within the bounds of the deficient region) because the region of the deficiency is covered by one or more nonsuppressing deficiencies.
The left Df(2R)Np5 breakpoint lies within babo or CG8216 or in the region between them, and lies in the range 2R:4848845..4852966 (R5) (predicted cytology: 44F12-44F12).
The right Df(2R)Np5 breakpoint lies within Pdk or brp or in the region between them, and lies in the range 2R:5320669..5411775 (R5) (predicted cytology: 45D6-45E3).
Ref: FBrf0054224.
Left limit of break 1 from non-inclusion of babo (FBrf0073600) Right limit of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0073600) Limits of break 2 from polytene analysis (FBrf0073600)