Pkn << bk1 << l(2)03659 << wun << bk2 << wun
Df(2R)wun-GL/Df(2R)NYX-D15 double mutants do not exhibit a significant reduction in primordial germ cells (PGCs) during stage 10 of embryogenesis, whereas sibling control embryos exhibit a significant reduction of PGCs during stage 10.
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) do not form lateral clusters in Df(2R)wun-GL mutants. Instead, PGCs are scattered across the midline and throughout the embryo. PGCs behave differently in Df(2R)wun-GL mutants depending on their location. PGCs in the middle portion of the PMG move toward the mesoderm, but fail to change their position with respect to the midline. PGCs in more lateral regions continue to migrate laterally into the epidermis. PGCs wander for more than 1 hour and fail to form bilateral clusters (in wild-type they form clusters within 40 minutes). Eventually, at a stage when wild-type PGCs have associated with the SGPs, mutant PGCs stop wandering and remain in one location during germ band retraction. While the PGCs do not migrate normally, they form cytoplasmic extensions and migrate as fast as wild-type PGCs.
The morphology of Df(2R)wun-GL PGCs is different to wild-type. PGCs in the middle of Df(2R)wun-GL embryos show more cytoplasmic extensions, including small protrusions, as well as broad cytoplasmic extensions. In Df(2R)wun-GL mutant PGCs, cytoplasmic extensions are transient compared with extensions in wild-type.
Pole cells occasionally aggregate and form pseudo-gonads at the level of the fifth abdominal segment in mutant embryos.
Hemizygotes are temperature sensitive semi-lethal. Mosaic flies with wild type germ cells and mutant soma have an empty somatic gonad and dispersed germ cells.
The Df(2R)wun-GL chromosome acts as a dominant weak suppressor of telomeric silencing (assayed using the effect of the chromosome on the eye colour phenotype of flies carrying "P{wvar}KR3-2", a stable "brown-red" variant of the P{3'WP-2,wvar}2Lt insertion), but this is a false positive result (the suppressor is not within the bounds of the deficient region) because the region of the deficiency is covered by one or more nonsuppressing deficiencies.
Isolated from the In(2LR)TE35B-15LL2R+Df(2R)wun-GL chromosome.
Deficient for 45C8;45D8
All limits from polytene analysis (FBrf0089219)