bk1 << RpL36 << su(s) << bk2
This deletion removes a single ribosomal protein-coding gene (though other genes are also removed).
When clones of RpL36/+ (Df(1)su(s)R194/+) cells are generated in a wild-type background, making use of an RpL36+ transgene (RpL36+t4) linked to FRT80B, these cells are eliminated by cell competition.
Flies heterozygous for the deletion show a Minute bristle phenotype.
Df(1)su(s)R194/+ clones are small and fragmented in mosaic eye imaginal discs containing two genotypes of cells; cells which are Df(1)su(s)R194/+ and cells in which the haplo-insufficiency of Df(1)su(s)R194/+ for RpL36 has been rescued by RpL36+t4. The Df(1)su(s)R194/+ clones are eliminated by cell competition and are not seen in adult eyes in these animals. In these animals, Df(1)su(s)R194/+ clones survive longer in the posterior of the eye (the first part of the eye to become postmitotic as the wave of eye differentiation begins), but are rare in the anterior of the eye (which proliferates for longer).
R.A. Voelker and W. Steinhauer.
Limits of break 1 from polytene analysis (FBrf0086390) Left limit of break 2 from inclusion of l(1)1Bi (FBrf0086390)