Df(3L)fz-D21 Df(3L)fz2 embryos derived from fz23/Df(3L)fz-D21 Df(3L)fz2 females show a "denticle lawn" cuticle phenotype.
Df(3L)fz2 is homozygous lethal.
One copy of Df(3L)fz2 has no effect on hemocyte proliferation in third instar larvae.
The Df(3L)fz2 chromosome does not act as a dominant suppressor of telomeric silencing (assayed using the effect of the chromosome on the eye colour phenotype of flies carrying "P{wvar}KR3-2", a stable "brown-red" variant of the P{3'WP-2,wvar}2Lt insertion).
Homozygotes die shortly after hatching with subtly disorganized denticles in posterior compartments. Double mutants of fz21, fz23 or Df(3L)fz-D21 with Df(3L)fz2 show variable embryonic segmentation defects ranging from a few extra denticles in the posterior part of some segments to complete replacement of naked cuticle with denticles. This phenotype is reminiscent of that for P{en1}wgen11 loss of function. Double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2 show a complete loss (fz21) or reduction (fz23) of RP2 neurons. In 21% of Df(3L)fz2 homozygotes an RP2 neuron is either missing or misplaced in 1-3 hemisegments. In double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2 cardiac precursors are missing. Double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2 lack the normal number of midgut constrictions. Overexpression of wgUAS.cLb by Scer\GAL4da.G32 has no effect on the cuticle phenotype of double mutants of fz21 or fz23 with Df(3L)fz2.