The X:8977627..8933650 release 6 coordinates of the left breakpoint are estimates based solely on polytene cytology. The reported breakpoint was stated to be 8B, which likely means the breakpoint was mapped between the prominent 8B3,4 doublet band and the prominent 8C1,2 doublet band in polytene preparations. The left extent corresponds to the estimated position of the left end of 8B5. The right extent corresponds to the estimated position of the left end of 8C1.
The X:9554623..9594143 release 6 coordinates of the right breakpoint are estimates. The left extent corresponds to the left end of RpS28b, the haploinsufficient gene responsible for the Minute phenotype of Df(1)M38-C5 heterozygotes. The right extent corresponds to the leftmost end of a PCR primer pair flanking the insertion site of P{GT1}BG00175 from Table S1 of FBrf0212582, which amplified a DNA segment from Df(1)M38-C5 in tests at the Bloomington Stock Center.
Induced with: yM38-C5.