2Lt - 57B3 | 95E7 - 94D10 | 57B5 - 2Rt ; 3Lt - 94D4 | 96A18 - 3Rt
Homozygous males produce courtship songs with significantly lower amplitude of sound and interpulse frequency, and significantly higher interpulse interval and cycles per pulse than wild-type males at 25oC. Isolated putative pulses, usually highly polycyclic signals, often occur. Males show many courtship wing extensions without actually producing audible sound. The interpulse frequency of heterozygous males is significantly lower than in wild-type males at 25oC, although other courtship song parameters of heterozygous males are normal. slo1/Df(3R)slo3 males show an intermediate courtship song phenotype between slo1 and Df(3R)slo3 homozygous males.