Map location is based on alignment to the reference genome of genomic sequence flanking a transposable element insertion.
Female sterile in combination with Df(2R)14H10W-15 or Df(2R)14H10W-16. Semi-lethal in combination with Df(2R)14H10W-17, Df(2R)14H10W-18, Df(2R)14H10W-19, Df(2R)14H10W-20 or Df(2R)14H10W-21. Inviable in combination with Df(2R)14H10W-22.
The P{wHy}CG6370DG02210 insertion has been mobilised, resulting in the P{3'wHy}CG637002B10Y-14 insertion and a proximally extending genomic disruption, which is most likely a simple 56,058bp deletion.