A set of isogenic deficiency stocks created by FLP-induced recombination between FRT-carrying transgenic insertions; molecularly defined deletion endpoints correspond to initial location of the progenitor insertions. Initial core set of 209 isogenic deletions provides ~60% euchromatic genome coverage.
Many thoracic neuroblasts change to an elongated shape and appear to enter quiescence prematurely. This includes the thoracic neuroblast NB3-3, which generates fewer thoracic EL neurons than in wild type.
Df(2L)ED773 homozygotes present a significant decrease in the numbers of dividing neuroblasts and dividing neuroblast daughters during stage 14, but not stage 13, of embryogenesis, as compared to controls; these embryos, however, show no significant differences in the number of neuroblasts, as compared to controls.
Precocious entry into quiescence is seen in Df(2L)ED773 mutant NB3-3T neuroblasts.
Mutants display a fully penetrant loss of the eve-positive GMC1 -> RP2/sib lineage.
Mutant embryos have normal U1-U3 neuron fates, but typically lack the U4 and U5 neurons.
Limits of break 1 computationally determined from location of progenitor P insertion on genome sequence between P{lacW}bunk00612&P{EP}EP682EP682 and P{lacW}l(2)k07015k07015&P{PZ}l(2)rK639rK639 Limits of break 2 computationally determined from location of progenitor P insertion on genome sequence between P{lacW}l(2)k07015k07015&P{PZ}l(2)rK639rK639 and P{lacW}l(2)k11328k11328&P{lacW}l(2)k10105k10105