A set of isogenic deficiency stocks created by FLP-induced recombination between FRT-carrying transgenic insertions; molecularly defined deletion endpoints correspond to initial location of the progenitor insertions. Initial set of 519 isogenic deletions provides 56% genome coverage.
The current Exelixis collection at the Bloomington Stock Center differs from the original described in FBrf0175003 : a significant number were shown not to carry a deletion and have been removed from the collection; a number of stocks have been lost; a number of additional deletions are included that were generated after publication.
Breakpoint from FlyBase's release 5 sequence location of progenitor insertion, confirmed by flanking sequence from the hybrid element associated with the deficiency, per R. Hoskins (BDGP).
Breakpoint location per R. Hoskins (BDGP), based on flanking sequence from the hybrid element associated with the deficiency.
This deletion removes a single ribosomal protein-coding gene (though other genes are also removed).
Inferred to overlap with: Df(3R)BSC477.
Inferred to overlap with: Df(3R)BSC195.
Df(3R)Exel6149 mutant clones in sensory neurons in adult wing do not display any defects in injury-induced axon degeneration (following an axotomy, the severed axons are cleared away normally).
Flies heterozygous for the deletion do not show a Minute bristle phenotype.