X:16420372 (r5) according to the DrosDel Project website (Nov 2008).
Dp(1;3)DC134 rescues the lethality of Df(1)FDD-0230908.
Dp(1;3)DC134 rescues the lethality of Df(1)FDD-0230908/Y.
Df(1)FDD-0230908 covers the Dp(1;3)DC134 deficiency.
The Minute phenotype of Df(1)FDD-0230908/+ flies can be rescued using Dp(1;1)FDDP-0024486.
Flies heterozygous for the deletion show a Minute bristle phenotype.
The cytological breakpoints of Df(1)FDD-0230908 predicted from the coordinates of the starting insertions PBac{RB}CG4420e04586 and P{XP}d04188 are 14C6;14E1.