A set of ~800 largely isogenic deficiency stocks created by FLP-induced recombination between FRT-carrying transgenic insertions; molecularly defined deletion endpoints correspond to initial location of the progenitor insertions. Designed to fill gaps in deletion coverage and breakpoint placement; also used to replace older available deficiencies that have not been molecularly mapped.
Breakpoint from FlyBase's release 5 sequence location of progenitor insertion.
1: PBac{WH}gusf04367
2: P{XP}CG11163d00154
The presence of P+PBac{XP5.WH5}BSC630 was verified using the PCR methods and primers described in FBrf0175003.
Exelixis, Inc. determined the insertion site of the progenitor PBac{WH}gusf04367 to be Release 3 genomic coordinate 266687 on 2R. This corresponds to 41D3 on the Release 5 genome map. The predicted position ofthe progenitor P{XP}CG11163d00154 on the Release 5 map is 41F11. Consequently, the cytological breakpoints of Df(2R)BSC630 are predicted to be 41D3;41F11.