The 2L:22247875..22536884 release 6 coordinates of the left breakpoint are estimates. The left extent corresponds to the right end of RpL21, because the distribution of breakpoints of all reported deletions in the region suggests that simultaneous deletion of RpL21 and RpL5 results in haplosterility or haplolethality. The right extent corresponds to the the right end of RpL5, because the Minute phenotypes of Df(2L)lt109 heterozygotes indicate the haploinsufficient RpL5 gene is deleted.
The 2L:22981816..23515712 release 6 coordinates of the right breakpoint are estimates. The left extent corresponds to the left end of cta, which published results say is deleted. The right extent corresponds to the right end of the 2L sequence assembly, because Df(2L)lt109 likely extends into 2L centric heterochromatin.