Homozygous viable. Male and female homozygotes are sterile.
Testes of homozygous males have no motile sperm. The testes of 1 to 2 day old homozygous males are noticeably smaller than those of similar aged control males. The mutant testes contain numerous large round cysts filled with abnormal spermatocytes. The flagella of the mutant spermatocytes appear to have at least partially elongated, but are not properly organised into bundles. The nuclei of the mutant spermatocytes are large and round in contrast to the condensed canoe-shaped nuclei of control spermatocytes.
Ovaries of homozygous females are smaller and contain fewer ovarioles than normal. The unlaid mature eggs show only slight defects in shape and size. Homozygous females have a severe egg-laying defect, laying on average less than one egg per day (compared to approximately 30 eggs per day laid by control females).