A set of ~800 largely isogenic deficiency stocks created by FLP-induced recombination between FRT-carrying transgenic insertions; molecularly defined deletion endpoints correspond to initial location of the progenitor insertions. Designed to fill gaps in deletion coverage and breakpoint placement; also used to replace older available deficiencies that have not been molecularly mapped.
Inferred to overlap with: Df(3R)Exel6202.
Inferred to overlap with: Df(3R)BSC522.
The presence of P+PBac{XP5.WH5}BSC849 was verified using the PCR methods and primers described in FBrf0175003.
The breakpoints of Df(3R)BSC849 predicted from the Release 5 genomic coordinates of the transposable element insertion sites are 3R:21146224--21146227 ;21341511
and the cytological breakpoints predicted from these coordinates are 96D1;96E2. Df(3R)BSC849 predicted from the Release 5 genomic coordinates of the insertion sites of the progenitor transposable elements PBac{WH}CG10560f00512 and P{XP}d03120 are 3R:21146224--21146227 ;21341511
and the cytological breakpoints predicted from these coordinates are 96D1;96E2.