A set of ~400 overlapping Pacman BAC clones was used to create small duplications (average length 88 kb) covering most of the 22-Mb sequenced portion of the X chromosome. Using the Pacman system (FBrf0194996), the BAC clones were inserted into an attP docking site on chromosome arm 3L; available as homozygous or balanced heterozygous stocks.
Docking-site insertion on 2L used for one line.
A 98,253bp duplication of sequence from the X chromosome (coordinates 1:16333304..16431557 , release 5) derived from the CH321-18K02 BAC clone has been inserted into the PBac{y+-attP-3B}VK00033 docking site on the 3rd chromosome using the P"["acman"]" system.
Dp(1;3)DC134 rescues the lethality of Df(1)FDD-0230908.
Dp(1;3)DC134 rescues the lethality of Df(1)FDD-0230908/Y.
Df(1)FDD-0230908 covers the Dp(1;3)DC134 deficiency.
Homozygous viable and fertile.