After generating all the Dp(1;Y)BSC chromosomes as described in FBrf0212582, we calculated the minimal euchromatic coverage of the X chromosome provided by these duplications as 97.0%.
Series of Dp(1;Y) stocks carrying segments of the X chromosome on the tip of Y chromosome; in an isogenic background. At the time of publication (FBrf0212582), the Dp(1;Y) collection provided a minimum of 78% coverage with duplication breakpoints spaced a median of nine genes apart.
Dp(1;Y)BSC276 was generated from C(1;Y)N12, In(1)BSC16 by a large internal deletion. The distal deletion breakpoint fell in X:255278--387562 (1A5--1B5, Release 5). The proximal deletion breakpoint fell in X:20264299--20300545 (19C6--19D1, Release 5). Consequently, Dp(1;Y)BSC276 carries euchromatic genes from both the tip and base of the X, but no genes from the middle of the X. In addition, an X segment extending proximal from a point between fog and stnA ( X:22228492--22384175 ) to an unknown point in X heterochromatin and a small X segment from 16A carrying B[S] are appended to YL.