Tandem duplication covering 113kb. Ectopic recombination between roo transposable elements was involved in generating the rearrangement. The first breakpoint occurred at the site of a roo long terminal repeat (LTR) in intron 7 of nwk, thus a 3' portion of nwk is duplicated. The second breakpoint occurred 113kb downstream, at the site of a roo LTR in intron 1 of GluRIB, thus a 5' portion of GluRIB is duplicated. A roo element is present in the duplication chromosome between the partially duplicated 5' portion of GluRIB and 3' portion of nwk. One copy of Rdl in the duplication is wild type while the second contains two point mutations (A301S and M360I).
Mutant flies show 27-fold resistance to dieldrin compared to wild type. Mutant flies are significantly slower to recover from heat shock compared to wild type.
Tandem duplication identified in the Ral-318 and Ral-378 lines of the Drosophila Genomic Reference Panel (DGRP).