Df(1)os1/Df(1)os1A2 mutant flies have outstretched wings and small eyes compared to wild type.
Df(1)BSC716 fails to complement Df(1)os1.
Df(1)os1/Df(1)osUE69 animals have a small eye phenotype, with about 400-450 ommatidia per eye, compared to 750 in wild-type.
Df(1)os1 mutant flies have outstretched wings and small eyes compared to wild type.
Mutant eyes are small and have about 450 ommatidia, compared to 750 ommatidia in wild-type. The third instar larval eye disc is reduced in size in these mutants. The number of mitotic cells in the first mitotic wave is reduced compared to wild-type.
Mutants have a small eye phenotype.
Df(1)os1 homozygotes have outstretched wings and small eyes.