Df(1)oso/Df(1)os1A2 mutant flies have outstretched wings.
The Df(1)oso mutant phenotype is rescued by Dp(1;Y)BSC67, Dp(1;Y)BSC68, Dp(1;Y)BSC69, Dp(1;Y)BSC70, Dp(1;Y)BSC157, Dp(1;Y)BSC11 and Dp(1;Y)BSC12.
Df(1)BSC352 fails to complement Df(1)oso.
The mean ln (natural logarithm) circulating hemocyte concentration (CHC) value of hemizygous larvae is statistically indistinguishable from that of control siblings. The ability of hemizygous larvae to encapsulate L.boulardi eggs is not significantly different from the encapsulation activity of control larvae.