The 3' (proximal) genomic coordinate of the 29D5-E4 breakpoint is unknown, but recessive lethality presumably associated with the breakpoint maps to the interval 2L:8 ,529,124-8,700,124 (release 6 coordinates) by complementation tests with molecularly defined chromosomal deletions. It is unknown if this breakpoint is associated with a duplication/deletion.
The 5' (distal) and 3' (proximal) genomic coordinates of the 40F breakpoint are unknown (owing to the break lying in centric heterochromatin). It is also unknown if this breakpoint is associated with a duplication/deletion.
The 5' (distal) genomic coordinate of the 29D5-E4 breakpoint is unknown, but recessive lethality presumably associated with the breakpoint maps to the interval 2L:8 ,529,124-8,700,124 (release 6 coordinates) by complementation tests with molecularly defined chromosomal deletions. It is unknown if this breakpoint is associated with a duplication/deletion.