FlyBase curator comment: 3' (proximal) breakpoint of this deficiency is given as "heterochromatin". The given 5' (distal) breakpoint is already within the heterochromatin region (as defined in FlyBase from FBrf0155829 and FBrf0213099), so the proximal breakpoint is shown as somewhere between the distal breakpoint and the end of the sequenced chromosome.
FlyBase curator comment: genomic coordinate updated from release 5 coordinates ( X:22 ,164,372) given in paper.
FlyBase curator comment: this deficiency was not named in FBrf0231266. Asked author Kevin Cook, who suggested using 'Df(1)JA27B' as he suspects it was induced at the same time as Df(1)JA27 by Lefevre, and 'JA27B' indicates its relationship to the "JA" irradiation series.