A TI{KozakGAL4} DNA cassette has been inserted into Rcd-1r, replacing the coding sequence (coordinates of deleted sequence are 2L:9012958..9014011 , release 6 genome). This results in a simultaneous knock-out of Rcd-1r plus a knock-in of GAL4 that is expected to be expressed under the control of the endogenous regulatory sequences of Rcd-1r (predicted to gene trap all annotated transcripts of the gene). The deletion also removes part of CG13102. The TI{KozakGAL4} cassette was inserted via the CRISPR/Cas-9 drop-in technique, using a dsDNA donor vector with homology arms of length 200bp. The sgRNA sequences used to target the gene were: CGACGGACGATTGAGAAACGTGG and ACTGCTCGACCGAATAAACATGG.