Nucleotide substitution: C2406T. Amino acid replacement: S131L. Within the homeobox.
2406 C --> T; 131 ser --> leu
S126L | bcd-PD; S55L | bcd-PE; S50L | bcd-PF; S131L | bcd-PG
Embryos derived from homozygous females have defects in the head and anterior abdomen. At 29oC, the phenotype is almost amorphic, whereas at 18oC, the thorax is only slightly reduced and head structures are still prominent. The phenocritical temperature-sensitive period begins around pole cell formation and lasts until the formation of cell membranes between the blastoderm nuclei during stage 5. Embryos derived from bcd8/bcd10 females have strong pattern defects in the thorax and anterior abdomen while the head is rather complete, as seen by the presence of a labrum.
bcd8 is partially rescued by bcdp2107B-
bcd8 is not rescued by bcdp2107A-
Intermediate bcd allele.