Amino acid replacement: Q288term.
Q288term | bel-PA; Q288term | bel-PB
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
spermatocyte | adult stage (with belneo30)
spermatogonium | adult stage (with belneo30)
belneo30/bel6 mutant testes display a germ cell loss phenotype, with complete absence of vas-stained germline stem cells (GSCs) attached to the hub at the apical testis tip (but sometimes testes contain residual vas-stained germ cells that exhibit morphological defects or size abnormalities such as giant nuclei), compared to controls (bel/+ heterozygotes); half of mutant testes do not contain germ cells at all. belneo30/bel6 mutant testes do not contain wild type spectrosomes and fusomes, showing complete loss or disrupted fusome structure. Mutant belneo30/bel6 testes show severe depletion of germinal content (including GSCs, spermatogonial cells and spermatocytes). belneo30/bel6 mutants show expanded expression of hub markers and significantly more somatic cyst stem cells in the testes than controls. Older (6-7 days old) mutant male testes show an overpopulation of somatic cells and an absence of germ cells, compared to controls. belneo30/bel6 germline cells (but not somatic cyst cells) in the testis show increased rates of apoptosis compared to controls.
Overall distribution of germinal and somatic cells and hub structure in third instar larval belneo30/bel6 mutant testes is similar to controls, however mutants show significant testis size atrophy and a reduced number of GSCs; mutant spermatogonia often have abnormally large cellular and nuclear volumes, possibly due to delay in G2 growth phase.
Approximately 80% of cells in anaphase in homozygous clones in the wing disc contain lagging chromosomes.
bel6 is a suppressor of abnormal eye color phenotype of wRNAi.GMR