Nucleotide substitution: GAG to AAG Amino acid replacement: E224K.
E224K | BicD-PA; E224K | BicD-PB; E224K | BicD-PC; E224K | BicD-PD
Embryos derived from BicD1/BicD2 mothers show a duplication of posterior structures and a lack of anterior structures. These embryos lack macrophages. Apoptotic cells accumulate at the ventral surface of the central nervous system (CNS), and subperineural glia contain an abundance of apoptotic cells. Single unengulfed apoptotic cells are also seen inside the CNS. The number of subperineural glia per abdominal segment is not significantly different from wild-type in stage 16 embryos.
Does not prevent the posterior localization of G-iα65A protein.
Heterozygous embryos have duplicated posterior poles, lack polar granules and do not form pole cells. No CycB transcript accumulation was seen at the posterior pole.
Lack of head and thoracic anlagen is caused by the lack of bcd protein.
Does not interact with RpII140wimp maternal effect.