FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\br5
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
lt35, brlt35
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Partial rescue of br5/Y mutants, achieved by driving expression of the brZ2.hs transgene by three heat shocks at 37oC starting in the third instar results in small numbers of pharate adults, 93% of which have malrotated genitalia. br5/Dp(1;Y)y267g19.1 males, exposed to the same heat shock protocol only show genitalia malrotation in 4% of cases.

Mutant pupae show no eversion or elongation of leg imaginal discs. The leg discs move around slowly in these animals but show no developmental changes. these animals undergo a series of contractions beginning at 16 hours post puparium formation and increasing in intensity between 18 and 19 hours that appear to reflect an attempt at head eversion. One leg imaginal disc is often forced away from the others by these contractions.

br5/Y eye discs show a dramatic failure of furrow progression as well as ommatidial disorganisation. Homozygous clones in the eye disc show defects in ommatidial organisation, including the wrong number of photoreceptors in clusters. Excess numbers of R8 cells in a cluster are seen. Homozygous clones spanning the morphogenetic furrow are frequently associated with some slowing or furrow progression. Clones at the posterior margin of the disc do not show any visible defects in furrow initiation. Homozygous clones at the anterior margin of the adult eye show a small nick and subtle disordering of the ommatidial array.

The br5/brnpr-6 heteroallelic combination is third larval instar lethal.

Homozygotes arrest development in 0-hour prepupae with an untanned larval cuticle and imaginal discs are not everted. 29% of br5/Y males carrying two copies of brZ2.hs are rescued to eclosion when brZ2.hs is expressed using 37oC heat shocks twice during the third larval instar stage and once during pupariation. br5/Y males carrying two copies of brZ2.hs can advance to prepupal or pupal stages when brZ2.hs is expressed using 33oC heat shocks. brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs, brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs, brBRcore.NS.Z3.hs and brBRcore.Z4.hs does not rescue the lethality of br5/Y males when expressed using heat shocks of either 33oC or 37oC.

Homozygotes die as early prepupae.

Mutant males form a soft, untanned puparium, but fail to develop beyond the prepupal stage.

Failure of salivary gland degeneration. Reduction in dorso-ventral class of indirect flight muscles. Some show proventriculus abnormality: foregut-midgut junction less proventriculus-like in appearance.

41% penetrance of abnormal SEG-TG separation phenotype, 55% of individuals show an abnormal optic lobe position and 35% a brain fusion failure.

Pupariation is delayed by 3 hours. The puparium is weakly pigmented.

Heterozygotes with Df(1)br25 are completely lethal.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhancer of

br5/br[+] is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of Bar1


SbEbr48, br5/br[+] has visible | dominant phenotype

E(br)121Ebr121/E(br)121[+], br5 has visible phenotype

E(br)333[+]/E(br)333Ebr333, br5 has visible phenotype

E(br)444[+]/E(br)444Ebr444, br5 has visible phenotype

E(br)65Ebr65/E(br)65[+], br5 has visible phenotype

Rho1Ebr233/Rho1[+], br5 has visible phenotype

Rho1[+]/Rho1Ebr246, br5 has visible phenotype

Sb[+]/SbEbr448, br5 has visible phenotype

Sb[+]/SbEbr48, br5 has visible phenotype

br5, bs[+]/bsEbr292 has visible phenotype

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhancer of

br5/br[+] is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Bar1

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Like br5 single mutants, br5, Rst(1)JH27 double mutants are lethal in prepupal/early pupal development. 54% of br5/br1, Rst(1)JH27/+ mutants survive to adulthood but br5/br1, Rst(1)JH27/Rst(1)JH27 mutants are lethal in prepupal/early pupal development.

Double heterozygotes with Eip74EFneo24 or Eip74EFDL-1 show no effect on development. 58% of Eip74EFneo24 mutants carrying a single effective dose of br+ arrest during the prepupal period. 20% of these prepupae show a misshapen puparium. A novel microcephalic phenotype results from partial head eversion, though eyes do develop. Leg and wing structures are absent. Lethal phenotype is more severe than either Eip74EFneo24 or br5 alone. All br5, Eip74EFDL-1 double mutants arrest development at the larval/prepupal transition, whereas Eip74EFDL-1 mutants show a range of lethal phases from prepupal to pharate adult.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Fails to complement
Partially rescued by

br5 is partially rescued by brZ2.hs

Not rescued by

Complementation is based on lethality.

Images (0)
Stocks (1)
Notes on Origin

Deficient in 'rbp' function. Imaginal discs remain as vesicles.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (5)
References (35)