Amino acid replacement: G206D. Nucleotide substitution: G?A.
Missense mutation: glycine replaced by aspartic acid in a position that is completely invariant in known cdc2 homologs.
G206D | Cdk1-PA
Lethal phase is during the larval/pupal stage. Homozygous embryos develop essentially normally. RP2 neuron duplication and large RP2 neurons are seen in only 0.25% and 0.8% of cases respectively.
Larvae contain no imaginal discs. Brain development is abnormal.
Die after pupariation at the larval-pupal interface. Larvae take 1-2 days longer than wild type to reach the wandering stage. Imaginal discs are missing or rudimentary and larval brains are reduced in size. Endoreplication and polytenization of larval cells is normal, as are salivary gland size and intensity of DNA staining of their polytene nuclei.
Cdk1E1-23 has larval cuticle & larval abdomen phenotype, enhanceable by Cks30AHG24/Cks30ARA74
Cdk1E1-23 is an enhancer of larval cuticle & larval abdomen phenotype of Cks30AHG24/Cks30ARA74
Cks30ARA74/Cks30AHG24 mutants, in combination with cdc2E1-23 exhibit very strong abdominal cuticle defects.