Insertion of approximately 6kb in cg.
macrochaeta (with cgk11504)
wing margin | anterior (with cg3)
wing margin | anterior (with cg07659)
wing vein L2 (with cg07659)
wing vein L4 (with cg3)
wing vein L5 (with cg3)
wing vein L5 (with cg07659)
Homozygotes have phenotypes in the wing, leg and antenna. Approximately 10% of cg1/cg07659 and 50% of cg1/cg3 animals eclose to adult stages, with most of the remaining animals dying as pharate adults. cg1/cg1, cg1/cg07659 and cg1/cg3 flies have defects in some combination of the posterior compartment longitudinal veins L4 and L5. Defects in vein L4, ranging from a slight thinning of the vein to gaps of increasing size are seen in 100% of wings of all three allelic combinations. Defects in wing vein L5 are seen in approximately 40% of cg1/cg1 wings, while less than 25% of cg1/cg07659 and cg1/cg3 flies have wing vein L5 defects. 40% of cg1/cg07659 flies have truncations of wing vein L2. This is rarely seen in cg1/cg1 or cg1/cg3 flies. Rarely (less than 1%), all three genotypes show outgrowths in the costal region of the anterior wing margin. Homozygous males have a few extra sex comb bristles. Bifurcated mesothoracic legs are occasionally seen. cg1/cg07659 leg discs show overgrowth in the anterior/posterior axis. cg1/cg07659 flies have expanded transverse rows and sex combs.
Terminal gaps in wing vein L4 and homozygotes have intercalary gaps in wing vein L5. Also abnormalities in legs and in oogenesis.
Oogenesis highly irregular.
Sex combs of male extremely large. Number of sex comb teeth increased from 10 to 18; number of bractless bristles increased; width of distal portion of basitarsus increased 1.6 fold; total number of bristles on basitarsus increased in both sexes (FBrf0065640; FBrf0063395). Some distortion and shortening of legs. Wings show gap in vein L4 between posterior crossvein and margin. Wings slightly curved. Effects result from a combination of overgrowth and irregular folding of imaginal rudiments during the pupal period. RK2.
Df(2R)en-11/+, cg1 has visible | dominant phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has hyperplasia | recessive phenotype
cg1 has phenotype, enhanceable by dachsunspecified
cg1 has phenotype, enhanceable by fjunspecified
cg1 has phenotype, enhanceable by dsunspecified
cg07659/cg1 has prothoracic tibial transverse row bristle | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
cg07659/cg1 has sex comb | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
cg07659/cg1 has leg disc phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
Df(2R)en-11/+, cg1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has metathoracic leg disc phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has female genital disc phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has eye-antennal disc phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has mesothoracic leg disc phenotype
cg1, l(2)gd11 has haltere disc phenotype
cg1, en1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
cg1, ciunspecified has wing vein L4 phenotype
Df(2R)en-11/+ ; cg1/+ double heterozygotes have a gap in wing vein L4. The abnormal leg disc morphology of cg1/cg07659 animals is substantially rescued by ciScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1. The adult transverse row and sex comb phenotypes are also partially rescued.
Double heterozygote en1 cg1/++ has slight degree of L4 interruption and thinning at low temperature. Triple heterozygote en1 cg1/++; ciunspecified/+ has L4 interruption in half the flies.
Sex-comb phenotype enhanced by sn or Pc/Scr.
ciW interacts strongly with cg1. cg1/+; ciW/+ resembles ciW/ciW.