Trp to stop codon substitution at amino acid 524, within the carboxy terminal group.
W523term | dl-PA; W523term | dl-PB; W523term | dl-PD; W523term | dl-PE
G to A nucleotide change at the second or third position of the Trp codon leads to a nonsense mutation (exact site of mutation unspecified).
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
Strong dorsalization: loss of ventral epidermis.
Embryos derived from homozygous females are incompletely dorsalised at 29oC; a tube of dorsal cuticle is formed. These embryos usually form some Filzkorper material and a small piece of head skeleton. At 18oC, the embryos are much less dorsalised and form ventral setae.