axon & motor neuron (with Pde4dnc-1)
The life span of twice mated homozygous females is significantly shorter than that of once mated homozygous females and the life span of these once mated homozygous females is significantly shorter than that of virgin homozygous females.
The average miniature EPSC (mEPSC) frequency in dncM11 neurons in culture is significantly higher than in wild-type neurons.
The frequency of spontaneous release (miniature excitatory junctional currents) at the neuromuscular junction is reduced compared to wild type. There is a Ca2+-independent increase in the decay time of mejcs. The peak amplitude of evoked ejcs is not different from controls at 1.0mM Ca2+ but is decreased at 1.5mM Ca2+. Broadened or multiple peaks occur in evoked ejcs. There is increased variability in the time to peak of evoked ejcs. There is a Ca2+-dependent increase in the decay time of evoked ejcs. Boutons show altered short-term plasticity.
Hemizygous males do not show increased sensitivity to ethanol in an inebriometer assay.
dncM11 and parasbl-1 males show increased courtship with Acp70Ag.Yp1.hs females than wild type males.
Mutants exhibit enhanced motor terminal aborization, this suggests cAMP levels influence the size of motor axon projections. Introduction of rut1 counterbalances this effect.
Hemizygous males learn fairly well, having a learning index of 0.7 immediately after training, but the learning index falls to zero in 30 minutes. The zero-time learning index is significantly reduced by feeding with theophylline.
Lack of PTP and reduced facilitation.
Sex-dependent enhancement in pertussis toxin catalysed ADP-ribosylation with respect to wild type: attributed in part to an increase in the α subunit of the G0-like protein.
Flies show no associative learning.
Eggs are laid.
Maps 0.04 map unit to the left of the other dnc alleles. Also, two molecularly defined 'iso-alleles', resulting from transposon insertions at the locus that may have accompanied intragenic recombination events, have been characterized at high resolution (Pittler, Salz and Davis, 1987).
Pde4dnc-M11 has female sterile phenotype, suppressible by amn1
Pde4dnc-M11 has female sterile phenotype, suppressible by amn[+]/amnP19A
Pde4dnc-M11 has phenotype, suppressible by Adcy1rut-1
Enzyme activity is 4% of wild-type.