adult thorax & adult epidermis
The wings of dpyolvR mutant heterozygotes appear wild type.
A dpolvR heterozygous background markedly increases the penetrance of wing blisters causes by expression of EogtNIG.9867R under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E.
Homozygous dpolvR embryos have a tracheal disintegration phenotype similar to Df(2R)Px2 homozygotes. All tracheal branches except the dorsal trunk and the dorsal branch of the first tracheal metamere undergo disintegration. The branches that undergo disintegration include the cerebral branch, ventral cephalic, pharyngeal branch, dorsal branch, visceral branch, transverse connective, lateral trunk anterior, lateral trunk posterior and ganglionic branch. Instead of fine tracheal tubes, in homozygous dpolvR embryos these are transformed into hollow cysts. However, the dorsal trunk is not affected, indicating that dpolvR embryos exhibit an absence of tubes with autocellular adherens junctions. The subsequent differentiation of the dorsal branches does not seem to be affected in dpolvR homozygous embryos. Terminal branch formation or integrity is not detectably affected in dpolvR homozygous embryos. In addition, the formation of fusion tubes between the bilateral dorsal branches along the dorsal midline occurs normally in dpolvR homozygous embryos.
dpyolvR/dp[+] is an enhancer of visible | heat sensitive phenotype of Dcr-2UAS.cDa, EogtGD5084, Scer\GAL4en.PU
Yif1doc-1, dpy[+]/dpyolvR has visible | adult stage phenotype
Yif1doc-1, dpy[+]/dpyolvR has decreased size | adult stage phenotype
dpy[+]/dpyolvR is an enhancer of wing blade posterior compartment | heat sensitive phenotype of Dcr-2UAS.cDa, EogtGD5084, Scer\GAL4en.PU
dpyolvR is an enhancer of epidermis phenotype of EogtNIG.9867R, Scer\GAL4en-e16E
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has visceral tracheal branch primordium phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has tracheal lateral trunk anterior branch primordium phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has cerebral tracheal branch phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has tracheal lateral trunk posterior branch primordium phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has adult dorsal tracheal branch phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has pharyngeal tracheal branch phenotype
dpyolvR, pio2R-16 has ventral cephalic tracheal branch phenotype
dpyolvR enhances the wing phenotypes seen in nwD heterozygotes alone. A spectrum of phenotypes is seen, ranging from a sharply tapered wing blade to complete retraction of the wing blade.
dpyolvR enhances the wing phenotypes seen in nwB heterozygotes alone. A spectrum of phenotypes is seen, ranging from a sharply tapered wing blade to complete retraction of the wing blade.
dpolvR dominantly enhances the wing blistering phenotype seen in the posterior compartment of wings in flies expressing EogtGD5084 under the control of Scer\GAL4en.PU in the presence of Dcr-2Scer\UAS.cDa, such that the phenotype is seen at 22.5[o]C.
Schultz, 25th Jan. 1933.