Breakpoint allele.
visible | adult stage (with dppd12)
visible | adult stage (with dppd12), with Ecol\lexALG.dpp, dpplexAop.cHa.EGFP
wing blade (with dppd12)
wing blade (with dppd12), with Ecol\lexALG.dpp, dpplexAop.cHa.EGFP
wing vein (with dppd12), with Ecol\lexALG.dpp, dpplexAop.cHa.EGFP
The wings of dppd8/dppd12 mutants do not develop at all, only rudimentary stubs are formed, this can be rescued by expression of Ecol\lexALG.dpp>dpplexAop.cHa.EGFP : the wings of these adults display venation defects (extra vein material at the anterior crossvein, loss of distal part of L4) and the have slightly elongated shape but their sizes are comparable to that of control wings. The wing size of these rescued flies can in turn be reduced again by hindering the spreading of the dpp morphogen: completely blocking it by co-expressing Zzzz\vhhGFP4Ecol\lexAop.morphotrap.ext.T:Disc\RFP-mCherry at the source, i.e. within the dpp expression domain or reducing it by expressing Zzzz\vhhGFP4Scer\UAS.morphotrap.ext.T:Disc\RFP-mCherry under the control of Scer\GAL4hh.PU (i.e. in the posterior compartment). The former blocks the wing blade development completely, with the latter the blade size is strongly decreased and the patterning in its posterior part is lost.
Blocking dpp spreading at its source however does not interfere with the uniform proliferation pattern in larval imaginal discs as the density of mitotic cells (pH3-positive) is comparable between the rescue and morphotrap discs. Clonal growth rates are also not generally affected (assessed by utilizing the Raeppli tissue-labelling tool), but in the morphotrap wing discs low numbers of very small clones (1-3) are found next to the A/P boundary and these are not observed in the control discs.
In wing discs where dpp spreading is blocked within the dpp expression domain, the growth of the lateral part of the wing compartments shows similar width increase and similar growth rate as in the control discs with dpp spreading unhindered. However, the proliferation of the medial cell population (marked by low brk) is abolished, so the overall size of wing disc is visibly decreased compared to controls.
Similarly, hindering the dpp spreading at its (anterior) source reduces the size of the posterior wing pouch by more than 60%, blocking the dpp spreading in the posterior compartment (by expressing the morphotrap under the control of Scer\GAL4hh.PU) decreased the posterior pouch size by about 40%.
dppd8/dppd12 dics wing pouch is small, almost no wing tissue remains, except structures for the proximal hinge region. The proximal costa remains in the anterior compartment and a reduced alula in the posterior. Partial rescue of the wing phenotype is achieved by tkvQ253D.Scer\UAS.cLa expression driven by Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1.
Adults lack distal portion of appendages.
dppd8 is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL471B, tkvCA.UAS
Very few wgAct5C.PS; dppd6/dppd8 flies exhibit wg-induced transdetermination, legs with wing tissue.
dppd10/dppd8 is rescued by dppUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
dppd10/dppd8 is partially rescued by dppS2KK.UAS.Tag:HA,Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
dppd12/dppd8 is partially rescued by dppUAS.T.EGFP/Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
dppScer\UAS.T.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP rescues the wing phenotype of dppd8/dppd12 flies when expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1; wing size and pattern are almost normal except that ectopic vein material is seen near vein 3 and the spacing between veins 3 and 4 is slightly increased.
Belongs to the disk-III class of alleles.
Allele class: d-III
dpp class III allele.