Polytene chromosomes normal
Amino acid replacement: M166I.
The M166I substitution occurs within an α-helical domain that is shared by all identified CkIIβ isoforms.
This allele also carries intronic polymorphisms.
Nucleotide substitution: G3870A. Amino acid replacement: M166I.
M166I | CkIIbeta-PB; M166I | CkIIbeta-PC; M166I | CkIIbeta-PD; M166I | CkIIbeta-PE; M166I | CkIIbeta-PF; M166I | CkIIbeta-PG; M166I | CkIIbeta-PH; M166I | CkIIbeta-PI; M166I | CkIIbeta-PJ; M166I | CkIIbeta-PK
Almost 10% of eggs laid by homozygous CkIIβAnd females have ventralised chorion.
CkIIβAnd/Y adults have a longer circadian periodicity of locomotor activity than wild-type controls.
The mushroom body calyx of CkIIβAnd adult fly brains is approximately a quarter of the size of that in wild type flies.
The mushroom body calyx of adult flies transheterozygous for CkIIβAnd and CkIIβmbuΔA26-2L is approximately a third of the size of that in wild type flies.
Mutant hemizygotes have a circadian rhythm of 25.8 hours. CkIIβmbuP1/CkIIβAnd transheterozygotes have a circadian rhythm of 24.6 hours.
Shows a circadian long-period phenotype.
Circadian period defects. Gynandromorph mosaics demonstrate there is no correlation between body genotype and circadian rhythmicity. There is correlation, but it is not perfect, between genotype of head cuticle and circadian rhythmicity suggesting circadian function is mediated by cells within the head.
The normal free-running 24 hr periods of the circadian rhythms of eclosion and adult locomotor activity (in constant conditions) are lengthened by 1.5-2 hr/cycle; CkIIβAnd/+ heterozygotes have a period phenotype intermediate between wild-type and mutant homozygotes (Konopka, R. Smith and Orr). CkIIβAnd males are defective in after effects on courtship behavior that are usually induced by prior exposure to mated females or very young males (FBrf0039828). CkIIβAnd lengthens in an additive manner, the periodicities associated with certain other rhythm mutants, i.e., those which by themselves cause shorter- or longer-than-normal locomotor activity periods (viz, pers, perL1, perL2, Clk).
The period of eclosion rhythm is lengthened by about 1.2 hours in homozygous males and females compared to wild-type. The periods of heterozygotes are only slightly longer than wild-type periods. The period of locomotor rhythm is lengthened compared to wild-type in both heterozygotes and homozygotes. Heterozygotes have locomotor rhythm periods intermediate between that of the homozygotes and wild-type, indicating that this aspect of the phenotype is semidominant. The phase response curves for the circadian eclosion and locomotor activity rhythms, indicating light-induced phase shifts, are also lengthened compared to wild-type. The locomotor activity rhythm is highly temperature compensated, similar to wild-type.
Circadian periods (eclosion and activity rhythms) are lengthened by 1.5 hrs.
Hemizygous males have a slightly longer than normal song rhythm periodicities.
CkIIβAnd has abnormal locomotor rhythm phenotype, non-suppressible by S6kIIign-Δ58-1
CkIIβAnd is a suppressor of abnormal locomotor rhythm phenotype of S6kIIign-Δ58-1
The increased periodicity of circadian locomoter acticvity seen in CkIIβAnd/Y adults is not suppressed by S6kIIign-Δ58-1/Y.
Konopka, R. Smith and Orr, 1976.
Separable from: dyQ189stop.
Associated with: dyQ189stop.
The 'Andante' mutant chromosome carries two independent EMS-induced mutations, one in dy (dyQ189stop) and one in CkIIβ (CkIIβAnd). The dyQ189stop mutation has no effect on rhythmicity, rather the CkIIβAnd allele is responsible for the circadian long-period phenotype of the mutant chromosome.
The mushroom body phenotype of CkIIβAnd flies may be separable from the M166I mutation, as a transgenic construct carrying this mutation is able to rescue the mushroom body phenotype of CkIIβ null mutant flies.