Males have variable fertility for an unknown reason.
Heterozygote dilutes wa to pale yellow. Homozygote with wa is white. Enhances wa1 and wa4. Also enhances wsp55 and wh (Birchler, 1986) but not wa2, wa3, wbf, wBwx, wcf, wch, wco, wcol, we, or wsp1; enhances phenotype of wa1/wbf. No effect on eye color in presence of w+; and no interaction with other eye-color mutants. Enhancement dominant to two doses of the normal allele in wa/bw+Y;E(wa)/+. homozygous male-sterile homozygous female partially fertile RK3.
E(wa) strongly interacts with w alleles that result from the insertion of the transposable elements copia, 3S18 and the element in wsp55. No interaction with alleles that result from the insertion of the transposable elements FB, I-element, 3S18 and roo. An extra copy of E(wa) ameliorates the mutant effect and the presence of three normal copies has no phenotypic consequences beyond the normal diploid.