Deletion leading to frame shift at codon 134, C-terminal residues are replaced by 79 extraneous ones.
Heterozygous eve4 larvae have a normal number of S phase neuroblasts per brain lobe.
Interacts with RpII140wimp maternal effect.
Embryos retain segmentation.
Even numbered denticle bands are missing.
Intermediate allele.
eve4 is an enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of Gug03928
eve4 is an enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of Guge46-2
eve4 is an enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of Gug01323a
eve4 is an enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of GugrO154a
eve[+]/eve4 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of trol13
eve[+]/eve4 is a suppressor of decreased occurrence of cell division | larval stage phenotype of trolsd
eve[+]/eve4, trol13 has decreased occurrence of cell division | larval stage phenotype
Dominantly enhances the semi-lethality of trol13/Y males and shows a transheterozygous effect in trol13/+ females, resulting in a reduction in viability. Hemizygous trol13 male larvae have a normal number of S phase neuroblasts per brain lobe. If the larvae are also heterozygous for eve4 then the number of S phase neuroblasts per brain lobe is reduced. Neuroblasts in the trolsd larval brain show a proliferation defect. This phenotype is not affected if the larvae are also heterozygous for eve4.
Weak eve allele.